os nutrientes
do Silício Forte

Aumenta a taxa fotossintética das plantas, reduz o acamamento e aumenta a resistência a pragas, doenças, secas e geadas.
Este nutriente induz a resistência natural da lavoura ajudando-a a alcançar todo o seu potencial produtivo.
Aumenta a taxa fotossintética das plantas, reduz o acamamento e aumenta a resistência a pragas, doenças, secas e geadas.
When absorbed by plants, the nutrient silicon accumulates in the epidermal cells and cell walls, developing a thicker and stronger cuticle layer.
Silicon Nutrient:
Silicon Nutrient:
"SilícioForte strengthens the leaf cuticle, making it harder for leaf miners to infest. This has significantly reduced our use of agrochemicals for pest control."
Mr. Gazoni
Citrus crops
"We applied SilícioForte on our crops and noticed that the leaves became thicker, sturdier, and more resistant to diseases."
Mr. Fernandes
Owner of Agrofrutas
Our product line was developed seeking to align technology and nature, which is why our fertilizers favor soil biodiversity while nourishing your crop.